Tuesday, December 9, 2008

For All Who Love Music


Anonymous said...

I knew about these guys! They are hilarious! They also dance. They have an entire collection of performances to view. Thank you for reminding me of them!


Tina said...

Oh, Becky, you've had me laughing and crying. I skipped the video and read some of your most recent posts first and found myself crying then laughing out loud as I watched the video. Thank you for "showing all your wires" at times -- you are real and your pain in real but peppered with grace and mercy. I also loved your affirmations.

Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your sweet encouraging comment. I am looking forward to following your blog. You touched my heart and I needed to laugh, even in my quiet time. God is so good to love everything about us! Keep writing and finding your voice and may you feel the shelter of His almighty wing covering you in this holiday season.