Tuesday, June 9, 2009


If you can not run with the footmen, then how will you keep up with horses?
And if you can't not survive in the land of peace, then how in the world will you survive a flood?
Jeremiah 12:5

I came to really love the prophet Jeremiah in the winter of 2004. He was profiled in a sermon preached by Bro. Craig Loibner (Fellowship church in North Little Rock) and it ministered to me like no other sermon has ever done. At that particular moment in my life, I was still deeply overwhelmed by the pain of Jae's death and also barely surviving spiritually after Ralph, the girls and I had been unofficially booted out of our home church.

I'm not kiddin.
I didn't know which way was up.

Bro Craig's sermon covered the book of Jeremiah wide open from one end of the book to the other in a span of about 30 minutes!
And the words he preached that morning were like water to my parched thirsty soul.
The lesson was healing,..soothing,.....full of mercy and grace for my hurting heart.
I walked out feeling hopeful that God still had His eyes on me.

I am studying Jeremiah this month.

I really have not ever seriously gone back to the book since that one sermon a few years ago.
The things I'm learning this month are just as fascinating, but are so very different from the things I drew from it through Bro. Craig.

The lessons for me at this point in my life are not ones which deal with brokenness, yet, I will never forget feeling that way.

Is anybody out there feeling lost and covered flat up with hurt and despair? I'm so sorry and want to tell you to hang on.
The world and this culture tells us that our worth is often dependent on the amount of influence we have.
Not so.
God's definition of success is dependent on our faithfulness and our obedience to Him.

You are not alone.

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