Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Middle Mile

Long time no blog! It's good to be back.

I am in mental disarray. For no real apparent reason and for no single particular thing. I'm just feeling pretty unorganized to the point that I am overwhelmed at the things I need to attend to. Do you ever get like that?

It could be that I am physically spent over a 24 hour virus that blew through my family this past weekend. All four of us.
It was ugly.

Anyway,..the feeling of "going nowhere" is also something my kids are dealing with too. I find myself being their cheerleader and encourager, but I hear them voicing the same frustrations that I feel.

One of my favorite quotes is:
"The middle mile is the hardest".

The middle mile is where our day to day lives are lived. No big battles. No big victories. Accomplishments are often not appreciated. For instance,..laundry? clean house? paying bills? They are tedious tasks, but who really sees or cares that those jobs are done? Others will surely notice if they are NOT done, but rarely are those tasks applauded. Yet, they take time.

The middle mile is where some of us are with our relational issues.
Going nowhere.
Relationships with our loved ones, friends, and especially God, are at the bottom of the our "To Do" lists.
Just no time! Got to run that errand!
Meanwhile, our priorities languish as we shop at Wal-Mart.

The middle mile is where some of us are contented.
What a great feeling to know we are in the center of His will.

The middle mile is where it seems hard to make changes.
Change-making is risky business.
Why,....What will others think?

The middle mile of parenting.
Now there's a real challenge.
Where exactly is "the middle" of raising your kids? When are we halfway there?
Us moms and dads show up every day for a job that will never end.

The Godly life may be difficult in our culture, but God expects it nonetheless.
In Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus gives us our real job as we live here on Earth:
Love God first, Love others second.

I am surrounded by family and friends who also are in their middle mile.
May we all travel with God's priorities and not our own!

Praise be to God for all He has done for me.
I love you friends.

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